WP7 will develop a multi-threaded outreach and dissemination strategy that targets the scientific community, policymakers, and key parts of the private sectors. TPs are emerging powerful drivers of rapid and potentially irreversible climate change that are little known. Dissemination is therefore crucial.
Beyond the objective scientific description of a safe operating space, different sectors of society and stakeholders will each have specific and individual requirements for a safe operating space.
WP7 will engage in a dialogue to provide that specific information for a more comprehensive characterisation of “safe operating space”. WP7 will bridge the gap between climate science and policy, but also connect with key representatives of the private sector. ‘
Press releases of scientific results from TiPES research will be coordinated
centrally, and a dissemination network among the partners will be established. Assessment will be done by monitoring and quantifying media responses.
The concrete objectives of this work package are:
- Establish a dialogue with policymakers (e.g.,at UNFCCC COPs, SBSTA meetings, national events) to assist the possible scoping of an IPCC Special Report focusing on TPs, and provide information (fact sheets, reviews, short reports) for assessments carried out by other bodies (professional organisations, academies, and others). There will be regular opportunities for events such as UN-FCCC COPs and their SBSTA meetings, which will happen once a year. For each event, a fact sheet will be produced that will be accordingly updated to reflect the progress of TiPES. We also plan communication with IPCC Focal Points who typically attend COP meetings.
- Mapping out safe operating spaces through targeted workshops in the countries of all TiPES partners and in Brussels to inform national, regional and European policymakers and stakeholders. Fact sheets will also be synthesised into policy briefs that are expected to start appearing in year 2 of TiPES. Each of the events would also feature visual communication.
- Connecting to the private sector (key insurance companies and selected utility companies) through the work of SME AMIGO.
- Connecting to the broader scientific community in Earth sciences, mathematics, physics, data science, numerical modelling via high-level events of training and disseminations. Communication with the broader scientific community will happen at annual assemblies with the first realistically in 2020.