Statistical mechanics is great improvement to complex climate models

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The large uncertainties of climate models used in the IPCC reports might be reduced considerably by the use of statistical mechanics, TiPES study shows. A major challenge in climate prediction is the uncertainty on how we are going to deal … Continued

Postdoc Position Available – Madrid

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We are inviting applications for a two-year postdoctoral research position in coupled climate – ice-sheet modeling at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) in Madrid, Spain. The position will preferably start in Fall 2020. The position is part of the European-funded Horizon2020 … Continued

News section on TiPES from INESC TEC

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TiPES Portuguese partner – INESC TEC- have written a section about TiPES in their most recent newsletter. The full story can be found here; Susana Barbosa from INESC TEC participates in the work within package 1 of the TiPES project on … Continued